Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

MIQ-Selasa, 15 maret 2011

Hari ini aku belajar….
Di tahun ke 22
Semoga kita termasuk orang yang selalu menyeru kepada kebaikan – sebagai sebuah perubahan. sekecil apa pun perubahan itu, dan sekecil apa pun penggerak perubahan itu, tidak menunggu datangya ancaman maut sebagai bentuk teguran keras agar kita mau berubah
Selasa, 15 maret 2011

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Seleksi Riset Short Course UKM Penelitian 2011

Seleksi Riset Short Course UKM Penelitian 2011

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini!

1. Jelaskan perbedaan mendasar penelitian kuantitatif dan penelitin kualitatif!

2. Sebutkan apa yang perlu ditulis/dikembangkan pada bagian latar belakang suatu penelitian!

3. Buatlah 3 judul penelitian, kemukakan rumusan masalahnya!

4. Kelompokan judul-judul penelitian berikut berdasarkan bidangnya!

a. Globalization, economic growth & women development in a developing country: the malaysian experience

b. Articulation errors in pronouncing indonesian words containing consonant clusters

c. analisis perbedaan abnormal return sebelum dan sesudah publikasi stock split (studi pada perusahaan pemecah saham di bej)

d. Prospek Perkembangan Wisata Kuliner: Studi Empirik di Solo

e. Pengaruh Waktu Operasi dan Konsentrasi Papain pada Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Dengan Proses Elektroforesis. Tahun II.

f. Kinerja Arrester Mov (Metal Oxide Varistor) Sebagai Alat Pelindung Tegangan Lebih Surja pada Peralatan Listrik Tegangan Rendah

5. Sebuah penelitian dengan judul: Pengaruh Kualitas Bahan Ajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Murid.

Tentukan variable bebas dan variable terikatny!

6. Perhatikan penyajian daftra pustaka yang disajikan dengan salah berikut ini:

Antony, J. “What is the role of academic institutions for the future development of Six Sigma?”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. (2008). Vol.57 No.1, pp.107-110.

Tulis kembali daftar pustaka diatas dengan aturan yang benar!

7. Perhatikan daftar pustaka berikut:

Osada, H. (2005), “Building Best Practices for Business Excellence by TQM”, in Quality evolution-way to sustainable growth, proceedings of the International Conference of Quality (ICQ), 2005, Tokyo, Japan, Session I-10-0129, pp.1-11.

Penyajian pustaka semacam ini menunjukan bahwa sumber pustakanya adalah…

Silakan kirim jawaban ke ukmpenelitian@yahoo.com

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

The World Bank International Essay Competition 2011

The World Bank International Essay Competition 2011 would like to hear your views on the opportunities, challenges and implications of youth migration.

Questions to address in your essay / video :
1) How has migration (international or internal, in a sending or a receiving country) affected you, your family, your community, or your country?
2) How do you perceive the benefits of migration (increased opportunities for young people, remittances) versus the risks (brain drain, illegal immigration and exploitation of young immigrants)?
3) What actions can you recommend for broadening opportunities for young migrants in their countries of destination and their countries of origin?

We encourage you to draw on personal experiences when possible and focus on providing your own creative solutions for managing migration in a way that most benefits young people. You do not have to be a migrant yourself to respond on this essay, as you may refer to the experience of your friends and family or other migrants who enter, leave or move within your country. As migration is a multi-dimensional issue, please feel free to explore any aspect of migration that you relate to most, such as :

Rural to urban migration
international migration policy
role of diasporas
forced migration
integration of immigrants
migration and development
skilled migration / brain drain

8 finalists will participate in the Final Jury in Paris, France in May 2011, and attend the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE).

Money awards:
1st prize: 3,000 USD
2nd prize: 2,000 USD
3rd prize: 1,000 USD

more information: http://www.essaycompetition.org/
Deadline: 17 Maret 2011