Dwi Alfiatun, Etik Rahayu, Heni Widhi Prastanti, dan Syururoh Arifiah “PELATIHAN PEMANFAATAN BUAH CARICA PEPAYA SEBAGAI INOVASI PRODUK SARI BUAH PEKAT YANG BERVITAMIN DAN MEMPUNYAI RASA YANG SEGAR DI DIENG KECAMATAN BATUR KABUPATEN BANJARNEGARA, JAWA TENGAH”. Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa Pengabdian Masyarakat UNNES. Advisor Lecturer: Dra. Sri Mantini R. S., M.Si. 15 pages.Dieng Plateau is extremely precise for Carica to grow. One of the peak region that is precise for carica to grow is Dieng Kulon, Batur, Banjarnegara, Central java. Yet, society around Dieng plateau has yet to utillized Carica. In fact, it contains a lot of nutritious needed by human.
Sari buah pekat is one of carica’s utilization. It’s one of an-interesting alternative innovation drinking. Because many people like drinking Sari buah pekat.
We propose a program to socialize and make Sari buah pekat from Carica in Dieng. The program consist of three steps, There are (1) preparation of allowance, (2) realization of socialization and dedication at Dieng, (3) Evaluation.
The aim of the program is that society may possess skill of making delicious and nutritious Sari buah pekat from Carica . So that, it will increase society’s life skills for their life.
Key Words : Training, Society, Carica, Sari buah pekat.
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