Mina… Konnichiwa… Ni ada info beasiswa S1, D3, D4, S2 dari yayasan Van Deventer-Maas Stichting, Belanda. InsyaAllah tiap tahun muzti ada. Pengalaman penulis sendiri, pendaftaran tahun 2010 kemarin dibuka sekitar bulan april awal tahun. Yang menarik adalah selain bantuan dana tentunya benyak even dahsyat yang bisa diikuti. Seperti Leadership Conference… Well, met mencoba untuk tahun 2011. Silakan sering-sering silaturahmi sama bagian kerjasama luar negeri universitas masing-masing. Good Luck!
Here more about VDMS SCHOLARSHIP …
Here more about VDMS SCHOLARSHIP …
The Van Deventer-Maas Stichting is a private foundation.
Its mission is to support the education of Indonesian people. Support is mainly given in the form of grants for scholarships and for projects.
Do the Self test on this site to see whether you meet the requirements for support. After you have passed the test, you can write a proposal for scholarships or for a project.
Capacity building is one of the activities which will have a high priority.
Van Deventer-Maas StichtingIts mission is to support the education of Indonesian people. Support is mainly given in the form of grants for scholarships and for projects.
Do the Self test on this site to see whether you meet the requirements for support. After you have passed the test, you can write a proposal for scholarships or for a project.
Capacity building is one of the activities which will have a high priority.
Van Merlenstraat 120 2518 TJ The Hague The Netherlands tel +3170 360 9997 fax +3170 364 9266
Perwakilan Van Deventer-Maas Stichting
Jl. Dempo No. 7 Jakarta 10320 – Indonesia tel +62213904385 fax +622213103248 email: deventer@cbn.net.id
Requirements and Documents for S1, D3, D4:
- Application Form
- Age Max 27 year
- IPK Min 3.00
- Parents’ income statement and an SKTM by Lurah
- Copies of ID card (KTM) and Family member card (KK)
- Latest Academic Transcript, mentioned the Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK)
- Recommendation letter signed by Dean
- A motivation letter
- Digital photo on CD (max 300kb)
- Surat Keterangan yang menyatakan sedang tidak menerima atau mendaftar beasiswa lain
- Application form
- Age max. 30
- IPK min 3.25
- Income statement (or parents’ income statement) and SKTM by Lurah
- Declaration of the Head of the Magister Program about her/his financial position as S2 student
- Copies of S1 certificate & transcript
- Copies of ID card (KTM) and KK
- Latest academic transcript, mentioned the IPK
- a motivation letter
- Digital photo on CD (max 300kb)
- Surat Keterangan yang menyatakan sedang tidak menerima atau mendaftar beasiswa lain
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